মাইক্রোসফট অফিস

Show Important Question

1) The quickest and easiest way in Word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a document is to use the ... command.
A) Replace
B) Find
C) Lookup
D) Search
E) None of these

2) Each box in a spreadsheet is called a-
A) cell
B) empty space
C) record
D) field
E) table

3) Default line spacing in Word is
A) Single
B) Double
C) 1.5
D) Multiple

4) An Excel workbook is a collection of
A) Work books
B) Worksheets
C) Charts
D) tables
E) None of the above

5) In word, you can change Page Margins by?
A) Dragging the scroll box on the scroll bars
B) Deleting the margin boundaries on the rulers
C) Dragging the margin boundaries on the rulers
D) Clicking the right mouse button on the Ruler
E) Clicking the middle mouse button on the Ruler

6) Outlook Express is a(n)?
A) Word Processor/
B) Spread Sheet/
C) Email client/
D) Presentation/

7) In Ms word the key board short cut used for spelling and grammar check
A) F3/
B) F5/
C) F7/
D) F9/

8) Microsoft Excel is?
A) financial planning package/
B) electronic spreadsheet/
C) graphics package/
D) data-base management package/

9) MS Word allows creation of _____ type of documents by default?
A) .txt/
B) .win/
C) .dot/
D) .doc/

10) In Microsoft Word, a green line under a word means
A) Grammatically incorrect/
B) No meaning/
C) Spelling mistake/
D) All of the above/

11) Which of the following is another name for a preprogrammed formula in Excel?
A) Range/
B) Graph/
C) Function/
D) Cell/

12) Which of the following is not relate to MS-Excel?
A) Formula/
B) Function/
C) Table/
D) Frame/

13) Which of the following is the Short cut to open New Slide _____ ?
A) Ctrl + M/
B) Ctrl + N/
C) Ctrl + O/
D) Ctrl + F/

14) In MS Word, a redline under a word indicates
A) Grammar mistake/
B) Spelling Mistake/
C) No Mistakes/
D) Virus Infection/

15) To open an existing workbook, you can click the Open button on the …… toolbar.
A) Drawing/
B) Formatting/
C) Forms/
D) Standard/

16) Which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion?
A) Efficiency/
B) Auditability/
C) Description/
D) Clarity/

17) The advantage of using a spreadsheet is:
A) calculations can be done automatically/
B) changing data automatically updates calculations/
C) more flexibility/
D) all of the above/